Blueprints of Hope

Mario Alberto Rollier

Date of Birth
Date of Death
Social Democrat

Mario Alberto Rollier graduated in chemistry at the University of Turin and was a very active member of the evangelical youth organization in Milan. During the war he was a lecturer at the University of Milan and was one of the writers of the Manifest of the University of Milan which called for the abolition of racial, political and religious discrimination and the reintegration of professors persecuted by Fascism. After the war, Rollier became member of the Milan City Council from 1951 to 1960 on behalf of the social democrats. As other ecumenists like Nolde, Rollier was an advocate for religious freedom and protested in 1950 against Italian laws that favoured Roman Catholicism with a referral to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Rollier joined ECEC at its second meeting in 1950 and became an active member.