Ventotene Manifesto
In 1941, Ernesto Rossi and Altiero Spinelli drafted a manifesto for a European federation, during their imprisonment in Ventotene. The manifesto is critical of national sovereignty and calls for a European federation to break economic autarchies. This manifesto was the founding document of the European Union of Federalists (UEF). For the blueprint click here. The…
Second Statement on European Issues
After receiving feedback on the First Statement of European Issues, ECEC published an update after half a year, tackling some of the criticism head-on, while dismissing others. Crucially in this second blueprint is the way in which various options for European integration are weighed against each other: a disarmed, neutral Europe; an armed, neutral Europe;…
European recovery and American aid: a report
On 7 November 1947, the President’s Committee on Foreign Aid finished its report on the way in which the U.S. could safely and wisely send economic aid to Europe. It was concluded that the benefits of such aid were human, economic, and political. Economic aid to Europe would help the preservation of a certain kind…